Inspired Signage - Baptiste Power Yoga

3:33 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

Some months ago I came across this post on Facebook about the artwork of Scott Froschauer. I got inspired based upon the artwork of his I saw and made some stickers via Sticker Mule which have a decidedly Baptiste Yoga spin on them. Some of them are pictured above, the best of them I've uploaded to Flickr as PNG files so that you can use them as you see fit.

Inspired Signage

I also uploaded the other Baptiste Yoga artwork I've made into this Flickr photo album. Click through to see all of the images in each of these Flickr albums!

Baptiste Yoga

Baptiste Journey Into Power Yoga Sequence Timing With Clock Face Chart

5:01 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Recently I saw this posting in a Facebook group for Certified Baptiste teachers. First off, this is David's first post to the group and my reaction was along the lines of "WHY HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS AS A TOOL UNTIL TODAY??" What an amazing first post!!!! When I thought it couldn't get any better, Brittany posted a video of a version of the timing tool she'd gotten from a friend who was part of the Fit To Lead program. The beginning of the Journey Into Power timing clock is designed to be rotated to wherever the class start time is!!

Then as if that wasn't enough, Alice posted her clock face charts for 75 and 90 minute JIP class timing! Her clock face timing didn't include the Release portion of JIP so I took the liberty of taking a minute here and there from the other portions of JIP to give some time to Release. It's a portion of JIP I often find myself "not having enough time for".

I took these various clock face timing tools and re-created them in Photoshop so that if you want to make your own rotating clock timing tool, you can! These JIP timing "clock faces" can be printed on transparent film (either for laser jet printers or ink jet printers), cut to fit the clock face blank (below) and secure them together with a paper fastener in the middle of the clock. Then you can spin the class start time to any point on the clock face! Of course this is a guideline for JIP. Teach to what is happening in the room, but this clock face may help you strengthen your skill of knowing how much time is still available to you and your students.

60 Minute Journey Into Power

75 Minute Journey Into Power
90 Minute Journey Into Power

Blank Clock Face
60 Minute Journey Into Power on Clock Face
Now with YouTube video showing how it can look if you print these images on transparency film!

Journey Into Power Timing 45 60 75 90
AWAKENING 6 8 10 12
VITALITY 4 5 8 10
IGNITING 6 8 8 10
OPENING 4 8 8 10
RELEASE 4 5 5 5
DEEP REST 5 6 8 10

-updated Nov 2019 after attending the weekend course: Baptiste Power Yoga Teacher Course.

Using A Wired Headset With A Mic To Record Your Teaching

3:03 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

This is a follow up to my original "How To Record Yourself Teaching Yoga" post, now with another (probably simpler) way to record the audio of you teaching. In my first post, I briefly touched on using an older Apple or Android device to record the audio of your teaching by using a wired headset. You probably have a few wired headsets from previous phones you've bought over the years, you just need to make sure your headset has a microphone in it.

 Newer phones now require adapters to use 3.5mm wired headsets because they've stopped putting headphone jacks into phones. Which adapter you need depends on what kind of phone you have.

For this example, I'm using an old pair of Apple headphones which also have a microphone. I taped the wire from the mic to the earbud back onto itself to make it neater. The earbuds still work so I didn't want to cut them off of the headset wire. If the earbuds didn't work anymore, I could cut them off so the microphone would be the only part of the headset wires I'd use.

I slipped a tiny binder clip over the microphone wires so I could clip the mic to my shirt.

You could any number of things to keep the mic secured to your shirt. Safety pin, duct tape, gaffers tape, a clothespin - basically anything you've got on hand to keep the mic securely fastened to your neckline so your recording won't be muffled by your clothing.

Apple devices have the Voice Memos application already installed by default. I downloaded and installed a free Voice Recorder application on the Motorola Android device I used in this example.

The device you're using to record your audio should be put into Airplane mode, have the screen locked and then you can tuck it inside the waistband of your leggings or pocket of your shorts while you're recording your teaching. The device you use to record your teaching audio cannot be the same device you're using to play music into the studio (if you teach with music) because it is not possible to stream bluetooth music from a device and record an audio input to the same device at the same time. You probably have an older phone you're not using which can be repurposed into a voice recorder.

Here are the steps you can use on an Apple device to use the Voice Memos application to record your teaching, save the file, export the file off your phone so that you can share the recording with other people. I find it easiest to use Dropbox to save files from my devices, but there are many options (Google drive, AirDrop). I would caution against trying to send your recording via Mail or Message because the file size of your recording may be larger than what is supported by Message or Mail.

Here are the steps with an Android device as an example:

Once you have the audio recording copied onto your laptop or PC, you can refer to my post on "How To Edit Your Yoga Teaching Audio File" so that it will be ready for sharing with others.

If you are interested in sharing your audio recordings as a podcast, here is a post I wrote "Sharing Yoga Teaching Audio Recordings As Podcasts". If you're not interested in paying for your audio to be hosted/shared as a podcast, you can always upload your recordings to Mixcloud like Will Martin is doing.