SuperBetter - 12 Part Yoga Book Study

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This 12 part yoga book study will delve into the chapters of SuperBetter by Jane McGonigal as the theme for each class.

Students are be encouraged to download the Superbetter app and play along at home!

Part 1 - Why Games Make Us Superbetter
1. You Are Stronger Than You Know - 2/9
2. You Are Surrounded By Potential Allies - 2/16
3. You Are the Hero of Your Own Story - 2/19
4. You Can Make the Leap From Games to Gameful - 2/23

Part 2 - How to be Gameful
5. Challenge Yourself - 3/2
6. Power-Ups - 3/5
7. Bad Guys - 3/9
8. Quests - 3/16
9. Allies - 3/19
10. Secret Identity - 3/23
11. Epic Wins - 3/26 <-this -class="" bad="" chose="" class="" cutting="" discard.="" during="" font="" for="" kept="" mic="" my="" out="" recording.="" recording="" suitable="" t="" the="" to="" upload.="" was="" wasn="">
12. Keeping Score - 3/30